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Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Fall in the NC Mountains

The mountains are really an awesome place to take pictures, relax and get away from the fast paced nature of every day life -

Over this past weekend I spent the weekend in the mountains of North Carolina.  Somewhere between Boone and  Blowing Rock (and by somewhere I mean up a steep long pathway and isolated from just about everything), it truly was relaxing and great to get away.

Now, the mountains in the fall are one of the absolute best places to take great scenic pictures.  With the multitude of diverse colors that spread across the endless terrain of trees and undeveloped landscape, it really only takes actually being there and snapping the picture to get a great shot.  Unfortunately, it is not always that easy (those that have tried know what I mean).  You see, the changing color of the leaves and fall photo-esque picture opportunities have a far shorter live span in the mountains than every other place in the state.  Leaves change colors at vastly different times, and then fall of much quicker due to the notorious mountain winds that signify the winters approach.  Timing really is the key, and there is a really short window to get a truly "perfect" shot.

Luckily, the timing was in fact right when I was there, and I was able to get some decent shots!  Below are a couple of my better ones...enjoy!

Tell next time,


Follow me -

Twitter: @bradleyrhyne
Instagram: @bradleyrhyne

Saturday, October 8, 2011

Welcome to Bradley Rhyne Photography

To me, photography is an art of observation. It's about finding something interesting in an ordinary place...I've found it has little to do with the things you see and everything to do with the way you see them. - Elliot Erwitt

I would like to welcome everyone to my very first blog post! My name is Bradley Rhyne, hailing from Charlotte, North Carolina. My profession is Finance, but one of my passions is photography. Only an amateur photographer at best, I have been fortunate enough to know someone capable of setting up my very on website (Thanks Tru Tru) For whatever reason, I have always wanted to write a blog as well...and so here I am today!

I currently live in uptown Charlotte (view from my balcony below), meaning the amount of great pictures and unique photographs that can be taken is unlimited, and just a step outside my front door. Wouldn't it be a waste if I didn't take this opportunity to get some great shots of Charlotte, and share those with other photography enthusiasts?

Also someone that loves to travel, I hope to share photographs from other parts of the world on my blog and website as well (OK, so more than likely just North Carolina). Armed with my Cannon S90 and hopefully some decent writing, I hope you all will enjoy the many pictures and posts to come!

Until next time,